The Coop Experience: Creating a Positive Change in Society with AMLB
Source: Domenico Loia from Unsplash (2017) [Note: My set-up is quite similar though without the pretty plants] Why am I writing this and why are you reading this? On March 13, 2020, I waved goodbye to my friends after talking about how we would see each other in 3...5 tactics to successfully implement workflow management tool in 5 days
Do these pain points resonate with you? “too many internal emails”, “hard to keep track of where and with whom different work items are at any time”, and “too much time spent chasing people for information”? Check out this article in which Moez...What the PREC? Ontario’s Personal Real Estate Corporation for Real Estate Agents Is Finally Here!
Meet Michelle, a real estate agent wondering “what is the hype about PRECs”? Michelle is a hardworking real estate professional with annual household expenses of $70,000 and hoping to buy an investment property within five years. She is currently a sole proprietor...Let’s Fight This Together
We have all been humbled by the Pandemic. In many ways, it has struck a serious blow to our psyche, confidence, and way of life. Despite all the doom and gloom, we have recently noticed renewed vigor in our clients.
Taking a Leap…in the Midst of a Pandemic
I must start by saying this has been a difficult blog to post. What has mostly been on my mind during these surreal times is the well-being of family and friends, vulnerable peoples in our communities and those serving on the front-lines.